Rant: Hotel Check-In and Check-Out Times Are Ridiculous

Rant: Hotel Check-In and Check-Out Times Are Ridiculous
Photo by Marten Bjork

Hotels: can we talk about the elephant in the room? The check-in and check-out times. You pay for a night’s stay, but the reality is you’re barely getting a day. Check-in at 4 PM and check-out at 11 AM? That’s not 24 hours. That’s 19 hours. And don’t even get me started on the sneaky fees that sometimes pile on top of that. But first, let’s break this down.

You’re telling me I’m paying upwards of hundreds of dollars in some cases, and I can’t even get a full 24 hours in the room? What’s the logic here? Are they concerned we’ll just linger too long, reveling in the glory of mini soaps and overpriced minibar snacks? It’s not like the cleaning staff spends five hours sanitizing the room between guests. I’ve seen how quickly rooms flip after checkout. In fact, I’ve heard them banging vacuums against the walls in their speed to prepare for the next victim—I mean, guest.

Photo by Helena Lopes

This 4 PM check-in is particularly insulting. Most of us don’t roll into town in the mid-afternoon. We’re usually there earlier, either bleary-eyed from a morning flight or cranky after hours in a car. And what do hotels tell you when you arrive before check-in? “We’ll hold your bags, but your room isn’t ready yet.” Oh, great. Now I get to sit awkwardly in the lobby with my carry-on and a growing sense of resentment.

Then there’s the 11 AM check-out. Why? Seriously, why? The housekeepers can’t clean all the rooms at once, so why the rush? I just spent a small fortune on your overpriced room service breakfast, and now you’re kicking me out before I can digest my pancakes? I’d love to sleep in, take a leisurely shower, and leave on my terms. Instead, I’m scrambling to pack, triple-checking drawers, and worrying that I’ve left behind a phone charger in the frenzy.

Photo by runnyrem

Some hotels will generously offer “late check-out” if you’re willing to beg, flirt, or pay extra. But why should I have to grovel for a mere two more hours when I’ve already paid for the night? It’s almost as if they want you out so they can churn through guests like a conveyor belt of cash.

And let’s not overlook the fact that many of us are dealing with travel fatigue. Flights get delayed. Traffic is unpredictable. Travel is inherently stressful. When you finally reach your hotel, you’re looking for a reprieve. The least they could do is let you enjoy it for the full duration of your booking. But no, the industry operates on this ridiculous system that prioritizes their convenience over the customer’s experience.

Final Thoughts

Hotels need to stop pretending they’re doing us a favor by “letting” us stay until 11 AM. If I’m paying for a night, I want 24 hours. Period. Anything less feels like a rip-off. Until the industry catches on, we’ll just have to keep grumbling, rushing, and questioning why we’re not getting what we paid for. And hotels, if you’re listening: we’d appreciate a little more respect for our time. You’re not just renting rooms; you’re selling comfort, convenience, and a break from reality. Start acting like it.