The History of the NORAD Santa Tracker: A Holiday Tradition

Every year, as December 24th approaches, a unique global tradition takes flight—the NORAD Santa Tracker. What began as a serendipitous accident has grown into a cherished holiday event that delights millions of children and families worldwide, combining the magic of Christmas with the marvels of aviation and modern technology. As we prepare to track Santa’s journey across the globe once again, let’s dive into the fascinating history behind this festive phenomenon.
A Happy Accident in 1955

The NORAD Santa Tracker’s origins date back to December 1955, when a misprinted phone number in a Sears advertisement led to an unexpected call to a top-secret military hotline. The ad invited children to call Santa Claus directly, but inadvertently connected them to the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) operations center. When Air Force Colonel Harry Shoup answered the phone, he quickly realized the mix-up but chose to embrace the holiday spirit. Instead of dismissing the child’s request to speak with Santa, he played along and even instructed his team to provide updates on Santa’s location using radar data.
Colonel Shoup’s kindness and quick thinking laid the foundation for what would become a beloved holiday tradition. In 1958, CONAD became the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and the Santa-tracking tradition continued under its banner, growing in scale and sophistication over the decades.
How NORAD Tracks Santa

Today, the NORAD Santa Tracker uses "cutting-edge technology" to follow Santa’s sleigh as it zips around the globe on Christmas Eve. The process begins with NORAD’s radar systems, which "detects" Santa’s departure from the North Pole. Once Santa takes flight, infrared sensors on satellites pick up the heat signature from Rudolph’s glowing red nose, allowing NORAD to monitor his progress.
NORAD also integrates data from fighter jets, which occasionally "escort" Santa through North American airspace, and uses high-speed cameras to capture images of Santa and his reindeer mid-flight. The information is shared in real-time through NORAD’s website, social media channels, and mobile apps, enabling families to follow Santa’s journey on an interactive map.
Over the years, the NORAD Santa Tracker has evolved into a multimedia experience. Volunteers answer thousands of phone calls and emails from curious children eager to know Santa’s whereabouts. The initiative has also partnered with companies like Google and Microsoft to enhance its online tracking capabilities, ensuring that everyone can join in the fun, no matter where they are.
Track Santa
As the holiday season unfolds, it’s time to prepare for Santa’s big night. Visit the official NORAD Santa Tracker website to explore games, activities, and updates leading up to Christmas Eve. Then, gather your loved ones, fire up the tracker, and watch as Santa embarks on his magical journey around the world.
Whether you’re a child eagerly awaiting presents or an aviation enthusiast marveling at the technology behind the tradition, the NORAD Santa Tracker offers something for everyone. So, this Christmas Eve, let’s take a moment to look to the skies and celebrate the joy of the season—one sleigh ride at a time.